sharkchunks: fennecwolfox: oeste: misterhippity: I tried a 2-D printer once, and the paper jammed. So now I just painstakingly re-create my paper copies by hand, like a medieval monk. i tried using paper, but the edges crumpled so now i just chisel my commandments into stone, like old testament god I tried using stone, but […]

Ascension is out now! Get it Here: Or Get The Patreon Edition by pledging $10 here: Five years ago, some dork and a fair princess got married. The two-part season two finale of MLPFIM, “A Canterlot Wedding”, aired April 21st, 2012. A non-canon story that aligns with show-canon, Ascension fills in the details of […]

Came across these PPG Models and…

memorian: The new Powerpuff Girls reboot doesn’t even follow the basic rules of character design laid out by the artist of the original series. I just thought about it when I came across this the otherday: like… WHAT IS THIS?! did they even…. LOOK AT THE 1998 MODELS?! Also… I swear this show was made […]