smgoetter: Remember this post about my WW AU where Link’s Grandma dons the hero’s clothes to save Link and Aryll? Well I wrote out a whole little comic to introduce the concept.  I was thinking of having a whole little zine with this comic and some new drawings in time for DINK next month! So […]

It seems Samus Amiibo interfere with Moscow’s metro barriers

It seems Samus Amiibo interfere with Moscow’s metro barriers averyterrible: rottweilerprincess: damnitsizzi: maditox: spazztastic-muffin: suminerdko: fgsshinyhoard: Samus Aran amiibos can open the ticket barriers of Moscow Vyacheslav train station, without needing a ticket. This is due to an oddly specific RFID in the amiibo that just syncs up correctly enough to the train station’s own […]