sakibatch: janinekspendlove: kelldar: steelboneddiva: Dr. Who cosplays that will make you do a double take.  Donna Noble: Kelldar Amelia Pond: Samantha Petrone Rose Tyler: Megan Lara 11th Doctor: Matteleven 10th Doctor:  MindFall absolutely honored to be included with these other amazing costumers! You guys all look perfect! UHM YES HOW??!?!?!?!!?!

fororchestra: clniraet: badgerfang: fororchestra: Gravity Falls Theme Song For Orchestra by Walt Ribeiro Bandcamp iTunes Amazon Google More I JUST SPIT OUT MY DRINK THAT CLARINET INTRO THO HOLY FUCK I’m starting to obsess over adding a lonely clarinet or oboe to my intros. I can assure you, this is good.

jonpertwee: kingdomofrains: maggiemay67: I want his TARDIS to be silvers and whites.I want him to be dressed in purple or black.I want a cravat, Leather boots and a splash of tartan… The dapper, aged Capaldi walking through a pristine, clinical TARDIS in a shining purple velvet jacket complementing his wonderfully silver hair is the most […]

doctorwho: yall—need-misha: timey-wimey-consulting-detective: octopus-muffin: utterly-johnlocked: How long have the whovians held on to this one? Rebloging again because of this gif. We better reblog this as much as we can 2013 is almost over