thingstolovefor: Demanding Black people to pledge allegiance to the flag or “honor” the national anthem is a demand to show gratitude for being here. And behind all of the “patriotic” rhetoric is the seething statement “You ought to be grateful that we let you live here”. If the athletes are Black, there is a requirement […]

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Season 6 The Story So Far (17/26) *rolls a 17* Your Discord spell proves effective, as the walls retract and allows you and your team some breathing room. Some optimisations have been made while I made more space. We still have nine episodes left. Anything can happen. I apologise […]

oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: rebecca-lotto-mage-of-breath: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: oddity-txt: So I found this caterpillar on my way to class We’re bros I named him chicken nugget Aaaa he’s turning a duller color… I hope he’s alright So apparently chicken nugget is […]

sioriw: スタバちゃん初描き!たぶん、マルコも初描きかな?笑 トムは何回か描いたけど、凄く久しぶりな気がするww 最近はグラビティフォールズにお熱ですが、悪魔バスター スター・バタフライも面白いので好きです(*´///`*)newエピをまだかまだかと待っている状態ですwスタバの好きな回は、やはりトムがスターを赤い月ダンスパーティに誘う回かな!!トムのスーツ姿がとてつもなくかっこいい!!!私服はちょっとアレだけど…wwこの回だけは何回観ても飽きないですね~!もっとトムが出てくる回が増えることを期待しています(*^ω^*) ではでは~☆ノシ