boesed: laughinghieroglyphic: warbyparker: Whoa. The MLA has officially devised a standard format to cite tweets in an academic paper. Sign of the times. Hm. ebooks, Horse. (horse_ebooks). “Leg Butt” 18 Nov 2011, 12:38 PM. Tweet.

blackbanshee: Seven week old puppies playing with mommy. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! 

If you just tuned in…

Yes. This is the tumblr of dm29, the artist you probably saw his stuff of on deviantArt. dm29 was a poor choice of moniker, as it was an abbreviation that was fitting at time of conception. I’ve done too much over the last 8 years to change this moniker, including the signatures on over […]