fristjra: datsweetberrypunch: shaun-howell: catfoodmcfly: Seems some guerrilla coders, discontent with Alpaca replacements, have taken the original Fighting is Magic leaked code and finished it off… and it comes out tomorrow! Well, we shall see… If they just release it into the wild, there shouldn’t be an issue; try to monetize it and Hasbro awakens… and […]

Hey followers

I know about… 970 of you are following me, and I hope you guys understand that while I can try to follow back, tumblr is very much different from Twitter. Some of you I know on Twitter I’ve followed here. Let me know if I missed anyone. Just, don’t get mad if I don’t follow […]

sydney-roo: What are you gonna do, Fluttercry?! Run, run away, little pony! … wuss. Hey Dash, let’s go get some lunch. Photo taken at Con-G 2014 (Guelph, ON) SO not only is that a great costume, the person in it is also carrying rainbow dash hug backpack on the back there.