vimandvigour: laughingsquid: A Handy Hot Dog Style Guide Visualizing the Different Ways People Eat Frankfurters Around the World Australian Style: stick it on some fucking white bread. damn. These look sooo good.

highheelsndollarbills: draconiarose: drtanner: cluckyeschickens: Okay so we have this rusty old thing in our one flower bed that would make an awful noise when you turned it and Buck Buck absolutely hated the sound of it, freaking out every time, wanting to somehow fight it??? Anyway, I haven’t turned the Sphere of Rage for several […]

lavenderharmony: dnotive: groovy-midnight: peanutbuttergenius: When you don’t want to put money towards an exhaust so you improvise #mazda #miata #mx5 #relatable This is my new favorite vine NEW FAVORITE VINE That is actually hilarious (Source: