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falseredstart: l , mjn                    c v————bb ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ùΩx4t

faewild: thequantumqueer: sissikuk: latinagabi: caged-freedom: rosasdesal: Repeat after me: – Veganism is not affordable – Veganism is not cruelty free – Veganism is not the best choice for everyone Repeat after me -I’m an idiot and wrong. -Veganism can be made affordable.–Veganism is fucking cruelty free. That’s what it’s all about. – Veganism is the […]

hooligan-nova: nflstreet: Shakira Law Do we start with: 1. The fact that this is clearly supposed to be the One Ring from Lord of the Rings 2. “Shakira Law” 3. The implication that children either know arabic or will become muslims by eating a donut. 4. “Free Islamic Donut” 5. or that starbucks is giving kids weird […]

k-eke: Two foxes in a museum !! And a huge thank to Gonzo https://gonzosoundstudio.wordpress.com/travaux-passes/ for all the sound effects !! It’s like a real cartoon ^^  Hope you will like it!! (Source: https://k-eke.tumblr.com/)