chefpyro: adurot: ben-houston: This is De Ganzenfanfare (The Geese Parade) and is a performance which is put on mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium. According to their website, the show has its origins in “the age-old tradition of goose herding”. I am now disappointed in @chefpyro and @siebewastaken for never telling me about this sooner. […]

tjpones: dsp2003: Because people asked how do I manage to do the “hard” stuff with textless edits and other things like that. Here’s the original image by TJPones. Tutorial composed in SAI and PSP7 at 2017/02/21. Took ~2 hours. Alternatively poke me and ask for a version with the text removed. (I was tjpones, but […]

tevruden: trapqueenkoopa: eternal-victor: eternal-victor: trapqueenkoopa: eternal-victor: medicine: angelaslayvis: girl on the far right sun girl on the far left moon if books made you turn white i’d make myself illiterate I can’t tell if this is transformation fetish porn or “not like other girls” superiority complex fap it’s the latter with a sprinkle of the […]