Seventh Heaven on And here we are. I decided I wanted to make something worthy of the ordinal numbered title, but without getting tongues clucked. They’re teens aren’t they? Teens still pet. Don’t tell me they don’t. A serious amount of poses were made for this one, most had to be culled to tame the […]

Sixth Sense on I still love the Jackie Lynn Thomas character, and I made it a point that I needed to include her in the series, being Marco’s first love with Star as instigator. Something they needed to straighten with Jackie so there’s no tip-toeing around. Some minor details about this AU, since some of […]

Pleading the Fifth on Star and Marco, well, Marco mostly, sorts out a few things with Star. He remains insecure, maybe still new to the idea of being with someone this long. This would be the first comic to break the titling, because “Fifth, Pleading The” isn’t as fun. At the point of publication, I have […]

Just so you know, it’s called “The Starco Something New”

Tumblr search results acts funny when you look up the hashtag, so a specific link has been put up on the Navigation on my blog. Click on Starco for… Starco. Or just click on this link and bookmark it, I guess.  The URLs for the separate posts have also been customised, eg. hopefully Googling “judacris […]

Star’s parents have some questions. Thank you all so much for loving the Starco AU miniseries, and I’m happy to say, here’s more. It’s been three months since Marco and Star had their first date, and they’ve spent each day close to each other since. But you know, parents. You gotta tell them. Fourthcoming on […]

It’s Starco Tuesday. And our cinnamon buns end the night of their First Date. It took them a Second, but our kids managed it in the end. Third Base on I wrote this one with a help from a friend. I wanted it awkward. Star and Marco have been close, but not really dating-close. I […]

A pretty special Starco Tuesday. The most Starco of Starco.Why, yes. This is pandering. Sweet, sweet pandering. First Date on “Quería que hoy fuera perfecto, pero creo que l perfección ya estuvo conmigo…” Patreon | More Star | Royal Starco Tee | Star Tee | Send | Historieta en Español