equestria-faily: tenaflyviper: witherwhetherwonder: hugobertington: witherwhetherwonder: dispatchrabbi: bronycon: Introducing Color Communications Badges We want to make sure everyone has an amazing and fun weekend at BronyCon, but we also know that it can be overwhelming to meet and be around so many people in such a small space. For 2014, we’re trying something new and we […]

A Word on Bronies

A Word on Bronies shrineart: As a brony there are days I wish I could give people my experiences with the community directly. Not because “bad people in our community don’t exist” but because I’ve not experienced really bad people in the community first hand and I wish I could give my good experiences to…

Boy, we are an angry bunch.

Are we really getting our manes in a bunch over Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie with Fluttershy? So much so that we’re lambasting episode writer Amy Keating Rogers? Pinkie’s done it before, going all “good cider, none for you” on Rainbow Dash in “Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 3000”. This definitely isn’t the first time apparent […]

It certainly takes no time at all to point out the faults of a group of people because of a couple of eggs perceived as bad. Not all of us are sexual deviants adding inappropriateness to a children’s show or are the misogynistic assbutts you claim we’re to all be. If you took the time […]