blackbanshee: Seven week old puppies playing with mommy. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! mom!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
What is it that drives you to ship the TwiFlash ship with such a passion?
(Wanna take this one, Twilight? No? Okay.) Short answer: Twilight has a knife at my throat. GERKKKLong answer: Humanoid Flash Sentry was an average character, written in as a love interest. They glomped on each other, they danced and made blushy faces. Flash Sentry as a pony was basically non-descript. He didn’t feel like a […]
If you just tuned in…
Yes. This is the tumblr of dm29, the artist you probably saw his stuff of on deviantArt. dm29 was a poor choice of moniker, as it was an abbreviation that was fitting at time of conception. I’ve done too much over the last 8 years to change this moniker, including the signatures on over […]
fristjra: datsweetberrypunch: shaun-howell: catfoodmcfly: Seems some guerrilla coders, discontent with Alpaca replacements, have taken the original Fighting is Magic leaked code and finished it off… and it comes out tomorrow! Well, we shall see… If they just release it into the wild, there shouldn’t be an issue; try to monetize it and Hasbro awakens… and […]
Hey followers
I know about… 970 of you are following me, and I hope you guys understand that while I can try to follow back, tumblr is very much different from Twitter. Some of you I know on Twitter I’ve followed here. Let me know if I missed anyone. Just, don’t get mad if I don’t follow […]
MLP FIM Fan Art have closed till further notice.
MLP FIM Fan Art have closed till further notice. mlpfim-fanart: Dear followers, I regret to inform all of you that MLP FIM Fan Art (mlpfim-fanart) is now closed till further notice. As I am working full time, going for part time night classes and other commitments, I am no longer able to update this tumblr. […]
“Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity. Goodbye.”
The Experiment, an early release for my tumblr followers!