followthebluebell: kleppy02: followthebluebell: fimbry-talks: Love when my cat flings himself into the air after a toy, but he has no style. Straight up ragdoll physics. One day i want to take a video of Yardstick straight-up hurling himself into the void. Cats have no conception that there is a future. There is just now and […]

apersnicketylemon: For real, at this point in pregnancy it would be called ‘Inducing labour’, which like, generally isn’t super frowned upon but is still technically a form of abortion as it terminates the pregnancy. Since the fetus can survive outside the womb now though it generally does just that and becomes an infant

accioharo: biglawbear: pastel-lavender: shiraglassman: missweber: hymnsofheresy: hymnsofheresy: have y’all ever had communion bread that was just so….nasty? like i know we have to suffer as christians, but do we really need to have whole wheat bread as the body of christ? my old church used hawaiian bread. my standards are high Some old housemates of […]

marisatomay: toboldlylesbian: marisatomay: toboldlylesbian: pick your fighter the ‘$1000 to go to Hawaii’ bride, the ‘I bought a $99 polygraph on amazon’ lady, or the ‘why was $200 so huge’ birthday girl a lot of people seem to be confused and think the hawaii bride and the polygraph lady are the same but they’re actually […]

In the event of the unforeseen…

judacris: I’m on deviantArt Twitter and Patreon (from $1!). I also have a Discord server, accessible via Patreon or by invitation only. I have a YouTube channel for art, and one for gaming. I also have a Twitch.  I do not use pixiv, Facebook or Instagram for purposes of art uploads. I’m fine with this measure, […]

acegodzilla: commandtower-solring-go: niggazinmoscow: Just remember, these are elected officials and our tax dollars are being used for this. This is what its like serving people. People want straight answers to questions they fundamentally don’t understand. They don’t even understand the language you use. There is a very definite answer to what ‘wifi’ is, but a lot […]