Behind the Scenes: Seventh Heaven

So, part 7 is out. I know some of you like it plenty. Good Starco, that. And I’m happy with how that turned out.

In the post, I mentioned plenty of cut poses, and also a few unused panels to tone it down. If you’d like to see them, I’d like to show some of it here.

The goal of Seventh Heaven was to take things a little further. Star and Marco have been dating in this AU and there felt no better time than to show that under that title. It was to be suggestive, but tasteful. Wholesome, like a teen romance novel, but never lust. I roped in friends for focus testing so ensure I got a nice balance.

Work began in late March. I refreshed the models for Star’s bed and her bedroom to allow for posing around different camera angles. I tend to do that where possible, so it won’t be just talking heads. A few recent artpieces already use the new bedroom, such as in Wake Up Call.

A few of the early poses, cut from final use, were too suggestive. Over 20 poses were cut. Even after some of these were positively focus tested, I went for Star to be riled up by Marco tickling her wings through stifled laughter, instead of “arousal”.

  • She shoves Marco and holds him down. She makes out with Marco. Close up on Marcos wrists, visibly hurting. “Star, take it easy.”
  • She rips his shirt.
  • Early revisions of the script were very uncomfortable. She does rip his shirt in the final comic, but it’s more for effect than being boy crazy.

    Some panels were cut, others revised and had their angle changed. And all the revisions made the final version of the comic, released May 10th. Fun Fact: Seventh Heaven was completed before Sixth Sense.

    Yes, there will be more TSSN. But I think I got the good stuff out of the way. Star and Marco will continue to explore their AU relationship, but I do nto intend to go rogue with this AU, so don’t ask.

    More: The Starco Something New