







Racism has them so confused.

  • XVII per C – Yes, they may be useful
  • LXXXIII per C – No, Latin digits are fine


If I have to see this with my own two eyeballs then so do you

….oh my god

bruh I just want to learn some new alphabets it would be fun

No no, see, that’s the whole thing. 

We already use arabic letters. 

Our modern alphabet…this very one we are writing in…is based on the Latin alphabet. That’s based on the Greek alphabet. Which is based on the Phoenician alphabet. 

The Phoenicians were from…wait for it…what is today Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.  

Our modern Western number system…1 2 3 4 5 ect…is called Arabic Numerals. Because guess where it came from. 

Now if you want to go learn the alphabet used today to write in Arabic…which is also descended from the Phoenician alphabet…go ahead! But the whole joke here is that some people are so blinded by bigotry that they don’t know where the letters they write come from. 

Admittedly this is a but of a stretch, but if you look far enough back in history you could say that English uses a levantine alphabet and indian numerals, neither of which are correctly attributed to their original creators in their most common name.

Hell. The languages spoken in Europe to this day are members of one language group, called “Indo-European.” The mother language from which these descended over the millennia is called ‘proto-Indo-European’. 

And that’s because, well, the groups who moved into Europe as Homo Sapiens wandered its way over the globe came from around the Black Sea, so far as we can figure, and that group moved there from, well, what we today know as the Middle East. 

And of course they got there from Africa, which is of course where our species evolved.