




Bruce Wayne watched both of his parents die.

Tony Stark has heart problems and anxiety.

Peter Parker saw his uncle being murdered.

Steve Rogers lost his best friend.

Bruce Banner attempted suicide.

If they can save the world, you can get through this day.

Never stop fighting.

none of these people are real

god forbid kids be allowed to draw comfort and inspiration from fiction i mean what do you kick puppies for fun

Robert Downey Jr. was incarcerated on two separate drug charges. He broke and in and out of prison because of his self-destructive addiction to booze and never-ending quantities of weapons-grade drugs. He was reduced at one point to earning eight cents an hour scrubbing pizza pans in the kitchen of the LA County Jail. There were several nights where, claiming to be targeted by other inmates, he woke up in a puddle of his own blood.

He was already on parole after being arrested for racing his car drunk along Sunset Boulevard while in possession of a stash of drugs and an unloaded .357 magnum revolver. On another occasion, he was arrested whilst naked and hallucinating at the wheel of his Porsche.

At his darkest hour, he was found in the fetal position in a rat-infested alley behind a dingy LA hotel. During one of a litany of court appearances on drugs charges, he told a judge: ‘Taking drugs to me is like having a shotgun in my mouth with my finger on the trigger, and I like the taste of the gun metal.’

Now the former laughing stock of Hollywood is one of the biggest stars of our generation, a star you pay huge bucks to get in and elevate a film.

If a person can come back from that, if a person can get out of an addiction to drugs of that outrageous caliber, and do as well as he did in spite of everything that had happened during that –– as he called it –– twenty year coma, then chances are you can pull through what you’re having to struggle to get through right now and come out the other end.

that real enough for you, bitch?