wereralph: heraldofultimateness: wereralph: heraldofultimateness: wereralph: wereralph: we-love-gaming: Will u join the challenge? is there a reason for this? like is this part of a strike or something im not aware of?  i cannot believe im this fucking stupid  Ralph, pick a number between 1 and 10 four of course because it’s my lucky number Good cause […]

I can’t understand why anyone would ever want to live in the Star Wars universe

wongbal: wongbal: wongbal: wongbal: wongbal: wongbal: I really can’t your life is uprooted every 20 years in galactic-scale wars caused by a neverending blood feud between two tribes of space wizards choose your preferred form of government: a) laughably ineffectual and corrupt bureaucracyb) fascist dictatorship controlled by space warlocksc) exploitation by evil crime gangster who […]