

So everyone is clear on the “Witch Hunt”

Hillary Clinton Benghazi “Investigation

  • 4 years
  • 0 indictments
  • 0 convictions
  • Hillary Clinton Email “Investigation”
  • 2 years
  • 0 indictments
  • 0 convictions

Trump-Russia Investigation

  • 15 months
  • 41 Indictments/Charges (Individuals) (and counting)
  • 3 Indictments/Charges (Companies)
  • 5 GUILTY pleas (and counting)
  • 4 CONVICTIONS (and counting)
  • Roger Stone Adviser Obstruction of proceeding SCO 1 Indicted
  • Making false statements SCO 5 Indicted
  • Witness tampering SCO 1 Indicted
  • Indicted: Roger Stone
  • Indicted: Paul Manafort
  • Indicted: Rick Gates
  • Indicted: George Papadopoulos
  • Indicted: Michael Flynn
  • Indicted: Michael Cohen
  • Indicted: Richard Pinedo
  • Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan
  • Indicted: Konstantin Kilimnik
  • Indicted: 12 Russian GRU officers
  • Indicted: Yevgeny Prigozhin
  • Indicted: Mikhail Burchik
  • Indicted: Aleksandra Krylova
  • Indicted: Anna Bogacheva
  • Indicted: Sergey Polozov
  • Indicted: Maria Bovda
  • Indicted: Dzheykhun Aslanov
  • Indicted: Vadim Podkopaev
  • Indicted: Irina Kaverzina
  • Indicted: Gleb Vasilchenko
  • Indicted: Internet Research Agency
  • Indicted: Concord Management
  • Guilty Plea: Michael Flynn
  • Guilty Plea: Michael Cohen
  • Guilty Plea: George Papadopolous
  • Guilty Plea: Richard Pinedo
  • Guilty Plea: Alex van der Zwaan
  • Guilty Plea: Rick Gates
  • Over 191 Criminal Charges (and counting):
  • Conspiracy against the USA (2 counts)
  • Conspiracy to launder money (2 counts)
  • Bank fraud (8 counts)
  • Bank fraud conspiracy (10 counts)
  • I Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
  • Making false statements (6 counts)
  • Failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts (14 counts)
  • Unregistered agent of a foreign principal (2 counts)
  • False FARA statements (2 counts)
  • Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
  • Assisting in preparation of false tax documents (5 counts)
  • Conspiracy to defraud the United States (13 counts)
  • Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud (2 counts)
  • Aggravated identity theft (24 counts)