Scam Alert – Commissioning Artists Beware




Artists, there’s a scam going around on Twitter at the minute, and you never know, someone might try it over here.

This guy is messaging commissioning artists and attempting to gain access to their PayPal by pretending to need a code to pay the bill.
Obviously we all know that’s bull, but if someone isn’t paying attention, is unfamiliar with PayPal commissions as a whole, or is just desperate enough for that commission money?  They might fall for it.
OP’s tweet here.

PayPal will not require a code for someone to complete payment.

It’s just not how it works, I know it, you know it, the scammer knows it.  But he’s gambling on the potential that someone (and that someone is mostly likely to be a young, new artist without much commission experience under their belt, let’s be honest) doesn’t know it.  Let’s make sure everyone does.
So if you’d be so kind, please boost the everliving hell out of this.  Don’t let anyone fall prey to this shady, shady individual, either here or on twitter or anywhere else.

My god, this guy even treats artist like some kind of idiots, geez… Be careful, artists!

Tagging to ask you guys to spread this.

@van-arts @kasper-the-ghost @jacksoopticboop @chronically-illustrated @valkyreskye

I hadn’t heard of this until now, thank you so much!!


@pap-is-loud @van-arts @turquoisemagpie @obviouslypancakes @huffletrax@bri-doodles-art @kingcrownsart @atlanta-art