





has anyone else let undyne just kinda… fade away?

wow wtf

whaaaaaaaat the heck

This is one of those key bits of storytelling done via game mechanics that only really made sense to tell via game mechanics and it’s incredible. The music hammers it home, but the mechanics used to tell the story is spot on and masterfully done.


While we’re gushing about the game mechanics, I want to point a couple of them out for the people who haven’t explored this route yet:

– The way the attacks slow down as Undyne fades away

 – Your soul is GREEN during the entirety of Undyne’s fall
– This means you’re shielding yourself from her attacks, not avoiding them
– This means also means you’re not allowed to flee the battle (a mechanic that is mentioned at the start of the fight + solidly established by the Pacifist fight)
– Her keeping your soul green, despite any damage she sustains, is also a  testament to her willpower to fight/hinder you as long as she can

– She fades away, even when you stop fighting. This implies that her death would’ve been inevitable either way, but by keeping you green, Toby is MAKING you watch and face the consequences of the fight.

– In the True Lab, it was established monsters with too much determination melt… and we actually get to see the process of that happening, first-hand. That’s a level of continuity I can admire and appreciate.

Say what you want about Undertale, but the game lays down solid rules for both its story and game mechanics and masterfully uses them; following them closely, breaking them when needed, but never truly straying too far from them.