pasusbackyard: poopcop: shinynessie: fuckyeahphysica: If one remembers this particular episode from the popular sitcom ‘Friends’ where Ross is trying to carry a sofa to his apartment, it seems that moving a sofa up the stairs is ridiculously hard. But life shouldn’t be that hard now should it? The mathematician Leo Moser posed in 1966 the […]

whitegirlsaintshit: glitter6ug: WHY i still can’t believe you have a designated electric toothbrush for your cats to run their noses against because they like Sneezing™️ (Source:

arythusa: Here are my beatboards for the Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 3 finale! These are done before every episode as a sort of proof-of-concept before actually starting the boards. Occasionally some of the “shots” make it into the final board but most of the time they’re just guidelines!! Various details changed between outline […]