“Oh. Marco. Are you… going to use the shower?”“Yes…?”“Oh, okay. Sure. No problem at all.”“I know that look.”“What? I’m not d– THESHOWERISMINEMARCO.”“WHOA, NO. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG YOU TAKE TO SHOWER? YOU TAKE AGES.”“I NEED IT.”“NO YOU DON’T. SO EITHER YOU WAIT OR WE BOTH GET SOAKED RIGHT NOW.”“DON’T YOU DARE, MARCO DIAZ.”“LET GO […]

bugeyedfreaks: plaglxvers: Every time someone on the internet says something sexist, instead of responding, let’s just add this picture i like this plan

tumblr_mit8xn6VHu1qlb4w6o1 scootalewis: paulsentertainmentplatform: so i used something called infinite jukebox to cut out every other beat of this song and well here ya go 250 miles Now THIS sounds like an anxiety attack.