lazaefair: jshredz: ackwet: tangobunny: After years of global searching and processing human response, the internet has finally completed its original task of finding the most perfect cat video possible. oh my god Unmut this 😭😭😭 ABSOLUTELY unmute this. (Source:

tinysaurus-rex: hiyokoifish: thered498cp: celticpyro: vividroute: jurvektheblogsmer: NooOOO Those appear to be bird tracks rather than bunny tracks! Ergo, it was a bird hopping and then taking off, not a bunny getting taken away! oh my god thank you phoenix wright the culprit!

professor-maple-mod: theamazingsallyhogan: weavemama: weavemama: 45 has the audacity to attack Puerto Ricans and the San Juan mayor while they are going through a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. Just so some of ya’ll know, this is NOT how you be a leader when people are literally dying. He’s not doing jack shit about the situation because golfing is […]