burbled: me: I have so many good ideas for ffxv comicsalso me: draw a comic about the bad door opening animation on the single door in the game you can interact with instead please help him okay so it sure as heck ain’t just me.

takashi0: just-shower-thoughts: I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling eyewitness accounts, insurmountable physical evidence, and compelling motive

minumi-chan: thethrillof: relay314: bbbraket: this bird is singing the chocobo music, which makes it a chocobo irl (source: https://twitter.com/kanmiQ/status/616780311263735809) chocotiel is my favorite bird ever! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) queenribbon inkharbour (Source: http://minumi-chan.tumblr.com/)