

I’m guessing this is a cover for one of the new IDW comics (it was tweeted by Jake Goldman, who’s also trying to do damage control about the Gamer Gator thing on there, hoo boy…) but… I just wanna know why they keep tracing old art. They did this in the intro to the show and now it’s happening with products. Because all three poses here are lifted from old designs (you can especially tell on Bubbles because her pigtails aren’t as high on her head).

Why keep doing this? Why not create original art? Original poses? How does tracing save you time? I mean, the girls have the simplest designs possible. Is it that hard for these artists to come up with something new? Or are they just doing this to get people to buy it (like, people will be familiar enough with the design to assume it’s old!PPG)?

It’s just kinda aggravating to see this. :T

> “(it was tweeted by Jake Goldman, who’s also trying to do damage control about the Gamer Gator thing on there, hoo boy…)”

Oh God what

That Buttercup definitely set up red flags all over the place for me.

PPG Movie Poster Buttercup. tut-tut…