Achtung: New Blog

tl;dr: new blog. follow it if you want to see art and nothing else.@disgruntledtwilight You might have noticed some changes around this blog. @judacris​ (main blog) and @thecrystalempireepisodes (EfCE) have been the two blogs I’ve been running for a while. I’ve determined that some of you might like an all-art blog, with no nonsense, no politics and […]

theargylegargoyle: smatter: menalaus: thesilvenar: no I refuse to accept this as true Why are they clapping like he just got a spare bowling instead of just committing an act of witchcraft This makes me so uncomfortable I’m bummed this was revealed by the creator to be faked. (Source:

lily-peet: vortexsophia: WOW!!! Originally posted by plaincut Nice words, but unfortunately these are fake. Both “tweets” are easily over 140 characters, which is the limit if they were sent “via Twitter” with no third-party tweet extenders.

jellojolteon: This coloring is not omni-monitor friendly and I am very sorry Well I mean I’m sorry for this thing as a whole but that in particular. I see a fair number of long trip adrinette where marinette falls asleep first but consider the reverse?? Marinette would totally force herself to stay awake if she was […]