FAQ About the Wander Over Yonder Announcement



Wanted to take the opportunity to answer some of the most popular questions I’ve been getting over the past two days in one big old post.

Is it true?!

Sad to say, yup.  It’s
true.  Wander Over Yonder will be ending
after seven more episodes with a 22-minute finale some time in June.

WHAT?!  Why?! 

Take it easy.  The
theory that seems to hold the most water is that WOY has always done better in
repeats than it did in premieres.  Like,
we’ve had random repeats rate as the best show on the network on some odd
weeks.   I think that Disney decided that
80 pieces of Wander content (between individual cartoons, 22s, and the shorts)
was enough that they could keep repeating them without a noticeable impact and
draw the same ratings without spending more on new episodes.  And while we have been doing better in
premieres this season, this decision was made before Season 2 even premiered. 

did you guys know?

A week after we got nominated for an Emmy, a week before “The
Greater Hater” aired, seven months before we won the Annie for Outstanding
Children’s programming, eight months before “I’m the Bad Guy” went crazy viral…

Why didn’t you say

Honestly?  Because
we’re Wander Over Yonder. We thrive on hope.
I think somewhere deep down I’ve been hoping Disney would
reconsider.  And we’re so proud of this
season that we wanted people to give it a fighting chance instead of dismissing
it as “that show that’s probably gonna end soon.”

And it’s not over yet!
Dominator is cutting a flaming, icy swath of destruction across the
cosmos and it’s up to Wander, Sylvia, Lord Hater, and Peepers to save the

MONSTER!  I’m gonna go break my Wreck-It
Blu-ray in half!

Don’t do that!  That’s
a good movie featuring some very charming and handsome voice actors!

Guys, Disney actually made two seasons of this show in the
first place.  80 Wander Over Yonder stories.  Yes, we had more stories to tell.
Yes, we’re bummed.  But when
all things are said and done, Disney probably spent more on making The Cartoon/The Bot than they did on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
That’s insane.

I heard you guys had
a Season 3 arc in mind, with some backstory and a new status quo.  Will you at least tell us what it was about?


MONSTERS!  Why not?

Because Hey Arnold just got a finale movie fifteen years
after it ended.  And Samurai Jack is
coming back.  And Gilmore Girls is
returning.  And…

For the record, I’m not saying we’ve been given any indication
whatsoever that Disney could change their minds.  We just like the story too much to blow it on
a Tumblr post.  

Are you guys still
gonna post on Tumblr?

Disney didn’t cancel our internet accounts.  Yeah, of course we’ll be around throughout
the rest of the season, and we’ve all got a lot of cool stuff going on through
the end of the season and beyond.  

What can we, the
fans, do? Never hurts to help, right?

See, this is why we love you guys.

The best thing you can do is love the show.  Watch it, rewatch it (I hear it repeats very well), sketch it, fanfic it, ship
it, cosplay it, sing the songs, tell your friends about it, make it a thing
even after it’s gone, and never forget it.

Everybody who worked hard on this show did it because we
believe in Craig and what he wanted to say with Wander.  We believe the
darkest of times calls for the sunniest of smiles, a little bit of silliness
can save the galaxy, and everyone deserves a friend.  Even maniacal electrical skeleton men.

I know things seem rough now, but remember:  If the darkness comes a creepin’, and you’re
feelin’ down, just Wander Over Yonder and turn your life around…

As always, Frank knows exactly the right way to say things.