


What Sony Doesn’t Want You to See:  Comments left by women, actual constructive and/or non-hateful criticism, disappointment by people that had hoped for a decent film, and the fact that the company is deleting most of the comments that aren’t blindly praising the trailer, or left by a bot account under their control.

While there were the usual fair share of obvious troll comments, they made up only a splinter of the backlash.  I can’t even begin to imagine how many comments overall have been deleted by Sony in what can only be described as an act of consumer manipulation and false advertisement.

Sony is also the same company that refuses to release Kesha from her contract.  Think about that for a moment.  Do you still believe this is all about “sexism” and “misogyny”, and not that much of the appeal of the original franchise came from the likable, non-stereotypical characters (all of the characters in the reboot are negative female stereotypes), and that it had a perfect balance of intelligent humor and genuine scares?  Let’s take a look at a few somewhat recent remakes and reboots:

  • Godzilla (1998) – Tried to change the title character.  A legendary embarrassment of kaiju-sized proportions.
  • Psycho (1998) – Tried to replicate Hitchcock’s film shot-for-shot.  Total disaster.
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) – Fell so short of the projected grosses that they’re seriously going to try it AGAIN.
  • The Amityville Horror (2005) – Failure.
  • When a Stranger Calls (2006) – Tried to stretch the opening of the original to feature length.  Failed.
  • Death Race (2008) – Bombed.
  • The Haunting (1999) – Failed.
  • The Fog (2005) – Flop.
  • The Omen (2006) – As with the Psycho remake, if you’re not adding anything original, why even bother?  Failed.
  • The Thing (2011) – Critically panned.
  • The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) – Failure.
  • The Last House on the Left (2009) – Flop.
  • Clash of the Titans (2010) – Bombed.
  • The Grudge (2004) – Proof that even if you bring the original director on board, you can still colossally fuck up a story if you change it for a different audience.  This is far from the only U.S. remake of a Japanese film to bomb spectacularly.
  • Prom Night (2008) – Failure.
  • The Stepfather (2009) – Disaster.
  • Black Xmas (2006) – Another movie where the person behind the original died before the remake hit theaters.  Absolute failure.
  • The Wicker Man (2006) – The only thing this film accomplished was becoming the butt of numerous memes.
  • Jem and the Holograms (2015) – Officially ranks as the worst opening ever for a major studio
    release playing in at least 2,000 theaters, and fourth worst opening ever from any studio playing in at least 2,000 theaters.  This is mostly attributed to the fact that THEY CHANGED LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FRANCHISE.

Do I really need to continue?

Now:  Do you still think it’s all because of “misogyny” that this reboot is doomed to mediocrity?  Do you still believe that Sony “supports” women?  Are you sure YOU do?

This is entertaining as fuck.

Also great to see Monica (aka Miss Misanthropist) there. I miss talking to her… Should probably stop being a POS and say hi, if she’s still here.

Courtesy of me: 

Ghostbusters Trailer Comments Part 2: Bot-tastic boogaloo


All hail the turtle king, the greatest hate whore!

That’s actually pretty smart, props Lyrical Gamer


Sure seems like it, Jack.