Things That Would Make a Better President Than Donald Trump





Doctor Doom


We here at DailyFantastic have read pages and pages of Dr. Doom’s exploits, and so we feel qualified to remind you that Dr. Doom:

  1. Has much more governing experience than Trump, having ruled a small Eastern European nation for decades
  2. Actually made his own fortune, working his way up from being a Romani outcast to being a genius inventor and wizard
  3. Respects women, especially Storm from the X-Men
  4. Uses science to make most decisions
  5. Knows how to ride a surfboard

Anyway so what we’re saying is this is 100% the truth.

  • Cares for children

Not to mention every person in his nation is well taken care of, with unemployment, poverty, and disease basically wiped out. Hell, the people look to him unto like a Saint.