



is there a term for ‘cartoons with lazy and soulless artstyles heavily influenced by family guy’? because there really should be

I like to call them “MacFarlane Babies”

However I think it’s rather odd to see these kinds of shows get produced so much, especially when three of these examples are what I see as “cartoons for adults” that shows like Family Guy popularized, I also think its safe to assume the people who do actually watch

“cartoons for adults”

aren’t typically cartoon fans, they likely watch it for the commonly low brow humor (despite how poorly written it can sometimes get) where as hardcore adult animation fans (18-30) typically seem to enjoy watching cartoons developed for a significantly younger audience (usually the 10-14 bracket, some even younger) this can clearly be seen by the enormous adult following of shows like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Gravity Falls.


Furthermore these shows typically deal with far more mature (some may suggest “darker”) adult themes. I can’t actually think of many past complexity in relationships, the meaning of family, and the concept of humanity (credit to SU on that last one) but I’m sure there are plenty of fans that can back me up on this claim. These younger audience cartoons typically handle these themes far better than most “cartoons for adults” do, and also show much more creativity in their art direction. Additionally these cartoons have far better written, far more interesting characters with plenty of depth and development as their individual series progress, not something commonly found in “cartoons for adults” but I think a fair exception to this Rick and Morty


On the surface it looks like another “MacFarlane Baby” but is a much better animated and SIGNIFICANTLY better written series with plenty of character development, and themes that are more mature and important than what most “MacFarlane Babies” put out for viewers.

Now historically cartoons were nothing more than slapstick humor and witty jokes because those were easy to convey through animation and were entertaining. But since animation is much easier to produce in the digital era people can start telling stories through animation, and I mean like actual stories, with drama, conflict & resolution, character growth, over arching plot lines and narratives, and even controversial subject matter. And I think that’s what many adult animation fans really want from cartoons, A good story.

But there’s this lingering stigma attached to animation, that it’s “just for kids” and that “cartoons are childish” which is something that will hopefully disappear in the near future as more cartoons that appeal to adult audiences get produced.

I personally feel like the 18-30 age group is a relatively untapped demographic for western animation, though I feel that shows like Rick and Morty and even The Legend of Korra fit inside this demographic quite nicely. Japan seems to cover the young adult demographic far better however. Anime appeals to young adults very well, especially in the west. So why is the young adult demographic for western animation so stagnant?

I could be missing something but I think it’s safe to say that the average western network executives idea of “cartoons for adults” would be heavily influenced by Family Guy and that’s probably why so many “MacFarlane Babies” get green-lit for production. It’s definitely something I’d like to see change in the western animation scene.

So much so I’ve been playing with some ideas for an animation pilot but it’s the kind of project that I’d need to set aside a lot of time for.

TLDR: Western animation can seriously do a better job appealing to adult audiences.

don’t forget Bob’s Burgers

Then.. there are the universally hated ones such as Total Drama Whatever, Johnny Test, and Loonatics, each notoriously bad in their own right.