fetuspuke: hummousexual: phampants: Artist removes 1 inch off the peak of England’s highest mountain; Brits want their inch back. It is still England’s highest mountain, but Scafell Pike is ever so slightly smaller now after an artist stole the top inch of the summit to display in a gallery. Oscar Santillan, 34, was accused of […]

anarchofoxxy: ukrayinski: genghiskhanvevo: drug-lxrd: Its a Tumblr blunt. Pass it on. Dont mess up the rotation B GET THIS ILLEGAL POT WEED OFF MY DASH SIC SEMPER CANNABIS  YOU FOOL, DON’T YOU SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE?  YOU’VE CREATED 2 WEED! I bet you lot are a blast at parties WEED WIN EVERY TIME

imgayforshiek: nightside-rush: nightside-rush: I just took the most adorable/weirdest picture of a Chikorita in Pokemon Amie oh my god IT LOOKS SO CUTE BUT AT THE SAME TIME REALLY WEIRD  grass tiddies

I make it a point to be as less gullible as possible towards things I see on the Internet, including tumblr. Tumblr is generally smarter, but has its fair share of white lies. So while I try to see how real a bit of news is, be it politics or indignations, I may reblog things […]