
Alright, gang. I’m preparing to start a new thing where I put time-lapse videos of my work as they get drawn before your very eyes.

dm29doesPone is my new YouTube channel for that, and I wanna see how far I can take this. This video acts as a sort of teaser, or pilot episode, if you will, for a taste of what to expect.

There’s a new goal on my Patreon for this express purpose, and reaching this goal will allow me to get these videos up for everyone and my patrons (among other things), who will have early access to these videos, before everyone else.

I also plan to have a nice shoutout to my patrons at the end of each video, with those involved with the $200 goal up first. The first video from that goal will be more elaborate than this one, as a form of celebration.

Feedback and comments are welcome.

Fun & Games with Dash and Soarin on