Some facts you should remember before talking about how the UK ‘got itself into this mess’:



The winning party got less than 37% of the votes. That’s not a win. That’s not the whole of the UK voting for the Tories. That’s them getting 37% of the votes. It’s not even 37% of the voting public. 66.1% of the voting public actually voted.

63,489,234 people in the UK. (Not all of them can vote, I know)
46,425,386 people can vote.

15,900,000 people did not turn up to vote at all. (No official count)
11,334,920 people voted for the Conservative Party.
30,698,210 people did not vote for the Conservative Party.

These results show that the UK did in fact vote for other parties than just the one that will fuck us over.


This may look like a very Conservative country when you look at the map of the UK, but if you look at the constituency map, it suddenly looks less Conservative, doesn’t it?

So, in fact, we didn’t all vote to fuck up our lives. Only 37% of people did. And you know what, those are the rich that will only get richer with a Conservative government.

We have a two party voting system in a country that can have about 50 parties running for seats, and that system, doesn’t work. First Past The Post does not work for what we have. And never will. But it won’t ever change, because the party in power won’t change the way they got into power.

So no, the UK public are not to blame, not all of us. The 11 million that voted, out of the 46 million that could.

36.9% is not a win.

62.1% of the country said NO to a Conservative Government.

