



….oh. I thought he was known for brutally executing three young Muslims, but what do I know


this cannot be for real

So before I came to the US I thought this sort of thing was exaggerated by people on Tumblr, but having visited the US and just yesterday seeing this man defended by his teachers, his neighbours and newscasters made me realise just how real this is. This man killed three people, and people are trying to make him seem like a hero. Not just a sympathetic character, but a HERO who rescues puppies and wants to be a paralegal. This is fucking disgusting, the people of the US should be ashamed of themselves.

this isn’t real.

every news source i’ve looked at has said that sure people were surprised that this guy’s behavior escalated to violence but that he was always a bit of a jerk, had noise complaints about people’s music being too loud in their homes and getting people’s parked cars ticketed and towed. 

no where can i find a news source defending him for anything. the guy was an asshole. now he’s a murderer. 

Also “unlikely” is spelled wrong.