
THE #disgruntledTwilight 2,000 FOLLOWER GIVEAWAY

So OBVIOUSLY, these are the prizes for my tumblr giveaway as well! Details are subject to change depending on how many bookmarks I have left from the convention.

ONE WINNER will get sent a full set of all 5 bookmarks with THREE RUNNER UPS getting three bookmarks at random.

Giveaway Rules:

  • Giveaway will start from the time this post goes up and will end on Friday, September 12th, 2014.
  • You must be following me. Unfollow me after the giveaway, I don’t care. Just stay followed until all this is over.
  • Your askbox or fanmail must be available to be reached with. I will make a considerable effort to try to reach the winners and you’ll have 3 days to respond, or risk losing your win to another person.
  • You need an address I can send stuff to. I’ll be using regular, unregistered mail. The local mail service delivers to most countries in the world. I will be covering the shipping cost, but will have no control or responsibility of its delivery once I drop it in the mail.
  • Delivery time is subject to where you live. I have sent stuff by mail to the US and the UK and those usually take 2-3 weeks.
  • Like or Reblog this post to qualify, but only reblog or like once. I’m not sure if you can like a post more than once. Just don’t be reblogging or liking this post more than once.
  • The winners will be drawn from a random number generator from Random.org. Number will be tallied with the nth reblogger/liker of this post and will be noted as a winner should the person meet all previous requirements.
  • This giveaway works best if you are a fan of MLP. And seeing how you are a follower of this blog, I trust that you won’t mind.
  • A post will be put up to declare the winners once I process the results.

Good Luck! 

This is my first official reblog. Convention details truncated. Contest is still open!