“I know this is a very hard pill to swallow, Shining Armor, but now isn’t the time to be sad. Princess Cadance needs you now more than ever. The support and understanding only her true love can provide.”

I wrote another short story, uploaded yesterday, that has gotten a bit of attention. Surprising really. “Stronger” tells the “what-if” story of Princess Cadance unable to have foals.

I don’t really know why I wrote it, but it acts as an exploration of an angle Hasbro can possibly take, that will not only act as a means of moving on with the Royal Couple post-marriage, but will also be something children can learn a la Sesame Street.

Some of the comments praising my bit of writing comes from folks whom the story hit close to their hearts, be it happening to them or to a loved one. 

What started out as an experiment in fan-fiction, has become something I feel is beautiful, and that there are many of you out there who stay strong, despite life’s shortcomings.
