

Some of you may have seen this coming, but I should really announce it: I’m going to stop updating this blog.

I feel like I’ve done all I want to with it. I’ve tried several times to get back into updating, but this blog’s simply run its course, and my ideas and motivation lie elsewhere. I hope you all understand.

That said, it was a lot of fun, and starting this blog was one of the best things I’ve done on this website. I met so many wonderful people thanks to this blog, and of all things, this was what made me finally start drawing digitally. I’m not sure where my art would be if I didn’t start this silly ask blog.

I will leave this blog up for now, but as a warning, I will probably delete it at some point. (Most of the things on here were experimental, and it’s a bit hard for me to look at a lot of the content now, heh…)

Anyway, thank you very much for following this blog these past few years, it means a lot to me. <3

It’s always sad when somethings comes to an end =’C

Looks like the same person who did twily-daily. and now this one is closing too! WHY