







But lets ban guns.

The perfect example of self defense with a gun.

Won’t see in in the news

if guns were banned this wouldn’t have happened in the first place ya gotdam idiots

^^You’re ignorant. Drugs are banned, people still get those? by banning guns, you’re giving store owners (people that obey the law) no way to protect themselves, but the criminal will always find a way to get a gun. it wouldn’t be hard. so, if guns were banned, this still would happen regardless of the legality of gun ownership. ya gotdam idiot.

^ fuckin true

Lmao listen up losers. There are actual examples where banning guns has STOPPED gun violence. America is just too fucking stupid to take that step. Check out what Australia did and copy that. Fucking idiots.

Lets give the facts, huh? In Australia in 1996 there was a mass shooting at Port Arthur (a major tourist site) that left 35 dead and 23 wounded. That’s the largest number of victims in a shooting by a single person worldwide. One man. 35 dead, 23 wounded.

So what did we do? Tighter gun laws. Guns are by no means illegal here, but we’re much more restrictive on what guns are available, who can get them and what they can use them for. We had a gun buy back scheme where the government gave people money for the guns they handed in.

So, for a little clarification.

Between 1996 and now, how many mass shootings has America had? Twenty Five.

How many has Australia had? Four.

We are a living, breathing example the gun control works.