Book horse, why are you so awesome?



I don’t know, am I? Awesomeness is more Sport Horse’s thing. According to her I don’t even know the difference between coolness, awesomeness and radicalness. As I understand contemporary expressions and slang, those should all mean the same thing… Yes, their dictionary definitions are different, but I know she’s not talking about those. I don’t think she’s ever even read a dictionary.

If we did go by the dictionary, well, “inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear" might describe me, but I don’t think that’s what ponies mean by the word. It’s all rather confusing, honestly.

I’m afraid I can’t really answer why I’m awesome if it’s not clear what being awesome entails. I can tell you why I am the way I am, though.

I’ve spent a lot of time to myself, reading books and doing other kinds of study, like conducting experiments. I just love learning. You should never be content with what you know, you can always improve. Perfection may never be within reach, but it can still be something to strive towards.

Other ponies tend to find it strange to want to be alone like that, but I always had a hard time dealing with other ponies because I didn’t understand all the nuances of social interaction. Furthermore, I found I could have far more interesting conversations with myself than others.

Of course, then I met my friends, they accepted me the way I was, and then I didn’t want to be alone. Yet I’ve never stopped wanting to learn and improve, I’m just learning about friendship and being social in addition to other things.

Hmm… If I was to venture a guess, I would say I am awesome because I always strive to improve myself. Maybe ponies are noticing that. If so, I hope I can inspire others to expand their knowledge too!


Geez. nashefn knows why awesome horse is awesome, but still answers like awesome horse would. That’s in-character dedication right there.