What even is it with this “Bronies are bad”-thing? It’s not like you don’t find millions of pornographic picture if you google Pokémon, also a childshow. And if some “Bronies” have a shit personality it has to do with the person and not with the stuff he likes… There are just so many people who like the show, of course there are some “strange” ones too?

The term “bronies” has fallen into some bad rep over the years. It’s the idea of adult males liking a children’s program aimed for girls and the perception of these fans when they get linked to a minority of them who want nothing more than to get with Rainbow Dash.

Because it’s so much easier to play with stereotypes than to get to know the rest of the fans who aren’t like that, similar to how a straight man with a passion for perfoming ballet can be labelled as a “sissy” or “gay”.

Each fandom has its quirks. But for some, these quirks are enough to drive them away from using the term “brony”.

I still stand by the use of the term, no matter what anyone says. To me it’s signifies being different and standing by what you believe in. The belief that anyone can enjoy any show any way they want and having fun doing so.