(MLPFIM Season 4 Finale Spoilers Follow)

Golden Oak Library, Goodbye?
I had a worst fear moment when the ad played for the season finale last week, and sadly, through the events of today’s episode, it appeared to have come to an irreversible pass. The library was destroyed. It shook me up very badly inside.

Why did I give a hoot about this library? Well, fans of Twilight will feel me, but I’ll tell you why.

  • Golden Oak Library is Twilight’s and Spike’s first home in Ponyville, during her humble beginnings as a new resident of Ponyville. She never meant to stay, but then…
  • …it was also where she got thrown her first welcome party by all her new, yet unappreciated, friends, including the Mane Six.
  • It was at this party which gave us Derpy Hooves, eventually to be one of the key nods at the MLP fandom.
  • The library was Twilight’s key source of knowledge. It didn’t have all the answers on several occasions, but it never really failed Twilight.
  • It was here when Owilicious flew in one night, before being adopted by Twilight as her pet/nighttime assistant.
  • We got to know the erratic side of Twilight here, the episode which still remains some of the staff’s favourites to this day.
  • Upstairs was where the girls (and Spike) first wrote their collaborated letter to Princess Celestia in Season 2.
  • Rarity gave Spike a loving smooch on the cheek at the library.
  • Until the season finale, it apparently didn’t matter to Twilight that she still lived in her treehouse.
  • In Season Four, it was where the Cutie Mark Crusaders got their lessons from Twilight to try and attain their long-desired cutie marks.
  • Rainbow Dash got her first boring lecture here and her being distracted added to one of the best scenes of Season 4.
  • And all those books. All of Twilight’s favourite books.

Of course, whether Twilight will be shown to care about it or if it will be rebuilt remains to be seen, not until Season 5, or at the earliest, EQG: Rainbow Rocks.

If Twilight really wanted to not let her title as Princess overshadow who she was, the season finale really kinda did it in by serving Twilight a castle of her own. I really want it back… It won’t really be the same without it. (Not to even mention the opening sequence which will have to be retooled for her stonking new castle).