

Well guys, it’s been a whole year since I started Twily Daily! It hasn’t been perfect, and I did have to miss a few days here and there, but I’m still pretty amazed I managed to get this far. I just want to say thanks to all of you for following and giving so many kind words, it really helped inspire me to keep this blog running. I never would have expected it to get as popular as it did, or last as long as it has.

Now, here comes the sad news… I’ve decided to retire this blog. I think a year is a good place to stop. Thinking of something new to draw every day is fun, but it’s not easy! I honestly don’t know how much longer this blog would keep going, so I think it’s best I quit while I’m ahead. Again, I can’t thank you all enough for the support, it means so much to me.

I’m glad I was able to give you guys a smile once a day. <3

OK, I didn’t want that on my birthday. Boo.
Sad to see you go, always brought a smile.