That post about bronies being creepy is probably not fake, but even if it is, there is some truth to the story. I have been to four anime conventions since that Friendship is Magic thing started airing, and at every convention there was a My Little Pony booth with a bunch of middle aged men discussing various sexual topics regarding the characters in the series, like “which pony do you think would be the best in bed?” Bronies are extremely creepy, and if you disagree, then you are also creepy.

Well, I haven’t been to any MLP-related conventions. I know there are a bunch of people who use the identity and do all sorts of nasty things with the show, wilfully or not. This happens to all fandoms, except this one gets shone under the spotlight a whole lot more because the idea of grown adult men who like a kids show for girls is very curious.

I don’t care for these people, but the majority of bronies I know aren’t creeps. There is still plenty of good in the brony name despite all the controversy and the butthurt within the fandom. But labelling all bronies as sexual deviants is a poor generalisation, and if that is indeed true, would there’ve been a whole slew of MLP-related conventions for fans of all types, with the representatives of the show dropping by to welcome us all with open arms? Why are there nods to fans in the show? 

There are those of us who band together to make the lives of people through charity and brotherhood. And not all who associate with the brony name are men. I can’t say for certain about others, but I use the term brony to represent myself as a male adult fan who loves the show for what it is, its messages and its characters, cherishing it as an adult like all the other shows I enjoy without resorting to sexual fantasies and erotic art.

Again, I’m not defending the actions of the creeps and I’m not speaking for everyone. I’ve always believed a childrens’ program must be kept clean. Unfortunately, it’s the way the internet is and frankly, without the internet, I think the attention this show has gotten to people of all ages would not have been as strong in the first place. Creeps are creeps, and I hope these people know their boundaries. Keep it age-appropriate, where age-appropriateness in required.