“Sweetie Belle is surprised by the bouquet that is now hers. She takes them and admires the fresh daisies. 

"These are really pretty, Spike.”

Spike does not respond, face still full of misery. Without warning, Sweetie Belle leans in pecks Spike on the cheek. Spike is taken aback, face now flushed.“

"The Bouquet” on deviantArt | Art: “You’re Sweet, Spike”

The short story is also readable after the jump.

It is a cloudless afternoon around the Carousel Boutique. A purple dragon, toting a bouquet of daisies, walks up to the front door.

Spike takes a breath of air for confidence, in anticipation of meeting his one and only and knocks at the purple door. To Spike’s dismay, however, the door opens to reveal Sweetie Belle there to receive Spike instead.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle.”, says Spike sheepishly.
“Oh. Hey, Spike.”, says the filly.
“Is, uh, Rarity around?”
“She is.”, Sweetie Belle replies. “But she’s cooped up in her room dealing with a project for her client. She mentioned that she needs her full concentration and doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

Spike is disappointed by the news, but reaches out for any chance at seeing Rarity.

“Not even for her friends, or for me?”
“Not for a while, I’m afraid.”
“I understand. That’s just Rarity, I guess.”

Spike let’s out a sigh, but takes the bitter response regardless. He sits down at the doorstep. Sweetie Belle does the same, closing the front door behind her.

“I’m sorry, Spike.”, says Sweetie Belle remorsefully.
“It’s not your fault, Sweetie Belle. I don’t even know what I’m doing with myself anymore. Sometimes I wonder if Rarity even likes me. I mean, the last time we even did anything together was when that Trenderhoof fellow drove Rarity crazy.”
“Yeah,” giggles Sweetie Belle. “I thought that was kinda funny.”
“I didn’t. All I got from that was that Rarity doesn’t see me the same way she did with Trenderhoof." 

Tears begin to well up in Spike’s eyes. 

"M-maybe I’m not meant to be in love.”

“No… Don’t say that, Spike.”, says Sweetie Belle, frantically trying to calm the visibly distraught dragon down. “ You’re a sweet little dragon brave enough to confess your feelings for Rarity and loyal to stick beside her and all of your friends.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, Spike. You’ll find your special person some day…”
“That’s easy for you to say, Sweetie Belle. You have that juice box kid.”
“Well, folks would think so, but no. We never really got close together. We are friends, but that was pretty much it.”

Spike glances at the bouquet still in his clutches. He hands it to Sweetie Belle with his head turned away.

“Here. I spent the day picking them. It’ll be a shame to let these go to waste.”

Sweetie Belle is surprised by the bouquet that is now hers. She takes them and admires the fresh daisies. 

“These are really pretty, Spike.”

Spike does not respond, face still full of misery. Without warning, Sweetie Belle leans in pecks Spike on the cheek. Spike is taken aback, face now flushed.

Sweetie Belle smiles at Spike, gets up and heads back inside. Spike looks back at the Carousel Boutique, not exactly understanding what just transpired, before shaking it off with a smile and heading home in the evening sun.