Yes. There will be a 1000-follower giveaway thing, but no I haven’t done anything in regards to it. Details I gotten down is that:

  • It will be a contest as a thanks to my followers (self-explanatory) because I won’t have this illusion of popularity on tumblr without you.
  • It will be a draw of three lucky followers out of 1000+x, where x is the amount of followers past a thousand at the time of the draw.
  • The prizes for the draw has not come to fruition yet, as is the date of the actual draw. Although the prizes will likely be an exclusive vinyl sticker set.
  • I’ll probably throw in a thing where you can increase your chances of winning if you support me through PayPal.
  • This is not a call for a sudden influx of followers. Details of this little draw will not change should I get another thousand followers by the time I’m ready to proceed with this contest. It’ll just mean your odds of winning will be 3:1000+x, determined at time of draw.
  • You have to be following me by the time of the draw, but reblogging the details of the thing (or even this post) is not necessary, unless you wish to dilute the chances of you winning by making new potential followers aware of this little draw. (Hey. I’m just saying it as it is)
  • You can unfollow me when all this is said and done. I have no means or the strength to hunt you down.

That’s the gist of it. Hopefully I can get this done real soon. A post highlighting the prizes and the details of the draw will be up when I can say I’m ready.