Normally I would 100 % agree with you on this (and I certainly do when it comes to people getting angry at the writing staff) but Pinkie was downright terrible in this episode. Not enough space in this ask to go into details, but I would recommend watching Whammy5’s and Tommy Oliver’s reaction videos on the episode. Short story: Amy done goofed. Simple as that. Still love the episode but, Amy goofed it up with Pinkie.

Naturally, you aren’t wrong. We all have different tolerances towards how each character acts according to writing. I was irked at how insensitive (mor than usual) Pinkie was, but It didn’t bother me that much. Perhaps that’s why I found the overreaction from others too much of a… reaction.

My point stands though. Whether folks think it’s a goof, like you say, or not, we should all really be calm about things we may or may not like in TV shows, especially ones for younger audiences. They’re just shows.