Let’s try something. I made The Brony Braedar (named after our favourite loudmouth Apple Family cousin).
It’s a radar graph that plots a pattern based on 6 aspects of what I feel comprises of being a brony, out of a severity range of 1-5 (clockwise):
- The Show: If you like it and how much of a need to watch it.
- The Characters: Do you have a pony you dislike or are they all special?
- Fan Work: Do you enjoy fan work or dabble in some on your own?
- Shipment: Friendship is Magic or Friendship with Benefits?
- Socialising: Do you hangout with other fans of the show?
- Merch: Do you express your love for the show with MLP merch?
The 6 aspects are split into 3 areas involving the show (orange) on a personal level (cyan) and the fandom in general (green).
As you can see, that’s my pattern. I’m a fan of MLPFIM, work on fan art, and am pretty okay with shipping, but that’s it. Also, I don’t hangout with as many bronies as I would want and don’t get a whole lot of merch.