








Source: Patrick Alexander



It’s time again!! The 2016 Australian federal election will be on Saturday July 2nd! If you haven’t enrolled already, you need to do that before 8pm Monday May 23rd or you can’t vote! wHY should you?? Because we’re lucky enough to live in a neat lil country that gives us the option to choose our leader, and the stats for young people enrolled to vote here are p. embarrassing – 1 in 5 people aged 18-24 aren’t enrolled come on ppl no wonder tony abbott was elected lmao. If you vote, you at least have the right to complain about the government like the rest of us instead of not doing anything 🙂

ONE TINY UPDATE ON THIS BEAUTIFUL COMIC THOUGH: The rules have changed this year so that you don’t have to number EVERY SINGLE BOX below the line, you just have to number 12 or more. this is so that weird random parties like The Australians Against Partying Party don’t get seats in the senate when people only vote for them for the lols (I think?idk i need confirmation on that, maybe i made it up. I definitely made up the name of that party anyway). this is GREAT NEWS for mE because I won’t look like the idiot young person in the polling booth taking forever, like last time. 

Hey, American people? Please reblog this. We see so much of your election info here and elsewhere for so long that there are an increasing number of young Australians who do not know how our own system works and assume that it works just like yours.

Your way is so much better. I’ve known since I watched that youtube video by that Grey man.

Australians doing all these fancy calculations and meanwhile in America our system can’t even count by ones without screwing everything up

This is really nice. Why don’t we do this?

Because both major American political parties would rather see the other guy in office than a third party, because a third party might manage to actually improve things. As long as there are only two options they can stay in power just by making the opponent look bad, but if anybody started accomplishing things then everybody would have to fix shit or get out. Thus, those in power all work with their “opponents” to protect a system that ensures that one of them will always be in charge so they can all keep being lazy, greedy bastards without fear.