
Hey, bronies. Don’t get so down.

Go back and watch the first season. Go back and listen to the first brony song you loved. Go back and find your first favorite artist. Can you remember the first pony image you saved? What was the first fanfic you ever read? When was your first convention? Who was your first brony friend?

Remember those times? Drown yourself in those memories. Find some peace. Find some happiness. Get in touch with an old friend. Ignore hate. Pity the angry ones. Let go of fear. Give someone a smile. Remind someone how much you care about them. Forgive someone who deserves a second chance.

Even if that person is yourself.

Simplify things. Remember when being a brony was simple? Remember when it was just about a cool show, cool fans, and the smile you couldn’t suppress while singing Winter Wrap Up? Hang onto those memories, and focus on the good.

I see a lot of people acting like our fandom is dying. It’s not. We’re just … not as excited as we used to be. Maybe we’re tired. The enthusiasm is waning. That’s okay! Honestly, we could have benefited from dialing down our enthusiasm just a tiny bit a long time ago … 😉

Maybe our friends aren’t perfect, like we used to think. Maybe the show’s staff is human. Maybe we’ve all made mistakes. Maybe none of us, and none of this, is perfect. We’re getting to know each other better. We’re not always going to agree. We’re going to be ugly sometimes. We’re going to go our separate ways. Don’t let it get you down. It’s normal. We’re growing.

Remember … it’s just a cartoon show. We’re all just fans. It’s all simple. It’s all still about small pastel colored ponies. It’s not about fights, or awards, or subscribers, or networks, or pandering, or money, or contracts, or accusations, or hate, or fear, or judgment or drama  –. It’s about friendship.

It only dies when we let it.

Let’s keep it going. 🙂

Fandom? Dying? (feigns ignorance, shrugs, keeps vectoring.)