
Commissioned by mod, artist: judacris

Attention everypony!

I will be away for a while on a quest of utmost importance! To expound, I will be tracking down some rare books, primarily What I Had for Breakfast and How to Wear a Hat by Star Swirl the Bearded, to replace the copies I lost. Fascinating stallion, that Star Swirl, documented all kinds of things in case even the smallest, most easily overlooked factor might have an effect on his experiments!

Spike is not coming with me, which means I will not be answering letters, unless I happen to pass by a post office that’s equipped with dragon fire. However, I have left Spike a tall stack of pictures to send out as usual, which means you will still have those to look forward to. Well, unless Spike forgets, but then I will yell at him when I get back.

Hopefully Spike will at least not eat the castle in my absence. I have informed him it’s made of crystal and not gems, that and expressing in no uncertain terms that if I lose another home so soon I will be quite angry should be sufficient.

While I’m away, you could always go through my older responses and see if there’s anything you missed. Maybe any questions you might have were already answered!

Now, excuse me, I need to go figure out how to wear my saddlebags without these confounded wings getting in the way. Too bad I don’t have a book on the subject. Maybe I should ask Sports Horse how she manages to get them on comfortably.